William A. Draves, CAE, is President of LERN, the largest association for lifelong learning and continuing education in the world. Draves is a popular speaker in great demand, and has given seminars in 48 states and in Germany, England, Canada, Russia, Japan and Australia and has given a TED talk on his book, co-authored with Julie Coates, NineShift: Life Work and Education in the 21stCentury. He is a pioneer in the development of online education, both delivery and pedagogy, and has provided training for thousands of faculty at both the K-12 and post-secondary levels.
He has authored multiple books, including Advanced Teaching Online, How to Teach Adults, and with co-author Julie Coates A Pedagogy for the 21st Century, in addition to NineShift. Draves and Coates are currently preparing to publish Smart Boys, Bad Grades: Gender Equity in Education. Draves’s books on learning and education have been translated into Russian, Spanish, Japanese and Chinese.
He is a past president of the coalition of lifelong learning organizations.